Governor Profiles

Governors NamePostitionBiography
Paul TruscottFoundation Governor, Chair of Governors,
Member of Teaching and Learning Committee 
(1/1/2014 – 31/12/2025)
Mr Truscott became a school governor because he is passionate about education and believes in the importance of contributing to his local community. Initially as a parent, he wanted to play an active role in supporting the school in ensuring that all students have access to high-quality education. Serving as a school governor allows him to use his skills and experiences to help shape the strategic direction of the school, support decision-making processes, and ensure that the best interests of the students, staff, and the wider school community are at the forefront of all discussions and decisions. As the current Chair of Governors, he is committed to making a positive impact and to uphold the values and ethos of the school.
Lucy BirdFoundation Governor, Co-Vice Chair, Chair of Resources Committee
(19/7/2019 – 18/9/2024)
Lucy Bird has extensive experience of governance and strategic leadership from her career in the cultural sector.  This included the delivery of new business models in the arts designed to enable financial resilience, stability and growth through capital development, fundraising, marketing and customer experience.  She has been a Governor in the Independent School sector, and a Trustee of various cultural charities.  Lucy lives in Whalton with her husband Geoff.  She has two sons and two daughters in law, and three small grandchildren. 
Fiona EllisAuthority Governor, Co-Vice Chair, Chair of Teaching and Learning Committee, Member Resources Committee
(1/1/2014 – 31/12/2025)
Fiona Ellis spent much of her career in the voluntary sector gaining wide experience in governance by serving on the boards and committees of voluntary, private and public sector organisations. She joined the Whalton governing board when living in the village and now lives equidistantly between the two Federation schools.

Nichola Brannen
Head Teacher Governor, Executive Headteacher
(1/11/2014 – date)
Nichola Brannen feels extremely privileged to be the Executive Headteacher across the Federation. Wanting to make a difference to the lives of children and to work with a fantastic team of people with the same aims and ethos, has always been her driver. With 28 years of educational experience, including a background in school improvement and headship of two other village church schools, she has a passion for small schools and believes that we should all aspire, believe and achieve to be the very best that we can be for the children, parents and the wider community.
Tim FishGovernor, Member Teaching and Learning Committee
(28/06/22 – 27/6/2026)
Tim Fish has been involved with Longhorsley and Whalton schools since 2006, initially as a parent of two children attending Longhorsley school before joining the Governing Body as a Parent Governor in 2010. Now a Foundation Governor and member of the Resources Committee, Tim lives in Longhorsley.
James CarrStaff governor, Teaching and Learning Committee
(10/11/2023 – 9/11/2027)
James Carr has been a member of the Federation since September 2021, serving as a class teacher at Longhorsley. Since qualifying in 2020, he has taught across all year groups from Year 1 to Year 6. Currently, James leads the Art & Design and Design & Technology subjects for the Federation.  
Stephen BrownParent governor
(27/3/2024 – 26/3/2028)
Stephen Brown is an executive coach, consultant and business owner. Upon leaving an 18 year career in Financial Services, he established his own consultancy and has completed successful projects in the public and private sectors, including the civil service, education, rail, healthcare, technology, utilities, housing association and manufacturing.
Reverend Elaine JonesFoundation Governor, ex-officio, Teaching and Learning Committee
((28/11/2022 -27/11/2026)
Elaine has been priest in charge of the Mitford and Hebron and Upper Wansbeck Group of churches since November 2022.  Prior to being an ordained minister, she was a youth, community and schools worker in Derby and worked in several schools offering chaplaincy and mentoring services.  She has been involved in school governance since her own children were in school and is passionate about seeing young people thrive and flourish and is an advocate for inclusive education to all.  Elaine enjoys meeting people and getting to know the community and is always open to a cuppa and a chat!
Gemma IcetonFoundation Governor, Resources Committee
(5/3/2024 – 4/3/2028)
Gemma Iceton is a Solicitor and Partner in private practice with over 20 years’ experience in Family/Children Law including Child Protection. Gemma has two children and joined the Whalton Governing Board in 2024.
Louise StoreyParent Governor, Teaching and Learning Committee
(3/1/2022 – 2/1/2026)
Louise Storey has twenty four years of teaching experience across the First and Middle School age ranges and eleven years SENCo experience. She is currently Executive SENCo at Corbridge and Broomhaugh First Schools which are federated in a similar way to Whalton and Longhorsley and has two children who attend Longhorsley.

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